Tuesday, December 27, 2011


One of my ex boyfriends once told me I could move to a leper colony and become president. What he really meant to say was that I was lucky that I could make the best of any situation and this entire week and specifically today being case in point. I have been in North Carolina visiting my former step mother and I feel very blessed to have 3 mother figures in my life. All very different and all who really see me and inspire me with their lives. So I was coming back and ended up delayed and missing my connection in DC. So instead of sitting around the airport I decided to call up friends and family and get myself to a yoga class and one of my favorite restaurants with one of my favorite DC friends. All of this is an exercise in optimism and gratitude. I realize how thankful I am for all of my friend and family members who love me and are able to help out in my lemonade making experiences. What this teaches me is that life is really about relationship---about honesty, connection, love, and gratitude. It is these values that I hope to uphold in my experiences and to offer everyone I meet.

I have already made a new friend on the flight who also got waylaid here and I am grateful to Jane and her upcoming adventure to study Shakespeare for a month and look forward to going to yoga with her while she is in town. Go figure, on a full flight, we'd be next to each other. The universe continues to inspire and offer us such abundance. And it was her Biltmore tin that inspired me to strike up a conversation. All the while, I could have been unaware.

So here's to awakening and uncovering. Jai jai Albany!

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