Friday, November 25, 2011


I am the woman who came to Kripalu with 18 pairs of shoes. So when Randal suggested that we take off our shoes off for the hike today, my first thought was no way. But after he explained the benefits of walking barefoot, I reconsidered in my mind. He explained that the toes are like roots and walking barefoot helps with back pain. It also is an anti-oxident and anti-inflammatory to have feet connect to earth.

I looked around. I was one of the people sheepishly taking off shoes. This kind of hiking is called earthing and essentially we are made up of all the elements in the earth and we our separation from nature is what creates dis-ease. What I thought would be hard on the soles of my feet turned out to be soft. I let my feet stand on rocks and dipped my toes in water. I relished the new sensations. Walking barefoot slowed me down and allowed me to breathe more freely.

After the hike I practiced analoma viloma---20 rounds takes about 15 minutes and I plan on these being grounding practices to become part of my regular routines.


And today's new thing: Chicken Apple Sausage!

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